Source: handler/esc.js

* esc command handlers
* Currently we ignore all DCS codes
* @enum {Function|string}
* @readonly
* @this refers to calling {@link Terminal}
var esc = {
	* ESC c<br>
	* Full Reset (RIS)
	'c': function(cmd, chunk) {
		return 2;

	* ESC D<br>
	* Index (IND is 0x84)
	* Moves cursor down one line in same column. 
	* If cursor is at bottom margin, screen performs a scroll-up.
	'D': function(cmd, chunk) {
		return 2;

	* ESC E<br>
	* Next Line (NEL is 0x85)
	* This sequence causes the active position to move to the first position on
	* the next line downward
	* If the active position is at the bottom margin, a scroll up is performed
	'E': function(cmd, chunk) {
		return 2;

	* ESC F<br>
	* Start of Selected Area to be sent to auxiliary output device (SSA)

	* ESC G<br>
	* End of Selected Area to be sent to auxiliary output device (SSA)

	* ESC H<br>
	* Tab Set (HTS is 0x88)
	'H': function(cmd, chunk) {
		return 2;

	* ESC I<br>
	* Horizontal Tab Justify, moves string to next tab position (HTJ)

	* ESC J<br>
	* Vertical Tabulation Set at current line (VTS)

	* ESC K<br>
	* Partial Line Down (subscript) (PLD)

	* ESC L<br>
	* Partial Line Up (superscript) (PLU)
	* ESC M<br>
	* Reverse Index (RI is 0x8d)
	* Move the active position to the same horizontal position on the preceding line. 
	* If the active position is at the top margin, a scroll down is performed
	'M': function(cmd, chunk) {
		return 2;

	* ESC N<br>
	* Single Shift Select of G2 Character Set (SS2 is 0x8e). This affects next character only
	'N': function(cmd, chunk) {
		return 2;

	* ESC O<br>
	* Single Shift Select of G3 Character Set (SS3 is 0x8f). This affects next character only
	'O': function(cmd, chunk) {
		return 2;

	* ESC P<br>
	* Device Control String (DCS is 0x90)
	* @todo function should return errors if it detects garbaged DCS sequences
	'P': function(cmd, chunk) {

		var dcs = this.parseDcs(chunk);
		if(dcs === null || dcs.cmd === '')
			return 0;
		else if(dcs.length !== chunk.length && dcs.cmd === '') {
			// TODO Garbaged DCS. report error.
			return 1;

		var result = this.callHandler('dcs', dcs.cmd, +dcs.args[0],
									  +dcs.args[1], dcs.args, dcs.mod);
		return dcs.length;

	* ESC Q<br>
	* Private Use 1 (PU1)
	'Q': function(cmd, chunk) {
		return 2;

	* ESC R<br>
	* Private Use 2 (PU2)
	'R': function(cmd, chunk) {
		return 2;

	* ESC S<br>
	* Set Transmit State (STS)
	'S': function(cmd, chunk) {
		return 2;

	* ESC T<br>
	* Cancel Character, ignore previous character (CCH)
	* @todo implement
	'T': function(cmd, chunk) {
		return 2;

	* ESC U<br>
	* Message Waiting, turns on an indicator on the terminal (MW)
	'U': function(cmd, chunk) {
		return 2;

	* ESC V<br>
	* Start of Protected Area (SPA)
	'V': function(cmd, chunk) {
		return 2;

	* ESC W<br>
	* End of Protected Area (EPA)
	'W': function(cmd, chunk) {
		return 2;

	* ESC X<br>
	* Reserved
	'X': function(cmd, chunk) {
		return 2;

	* ESC Y<br>
	* Reserved
	'Y': function(cmd, chunk) {
		return 2;

	* ESC Z<br>
	* DECID Dec Private identification
	* The kernel returns the string ESC [ ? 6 c , claiming it is a VT102
	'Z': function(cmd, chunk) {
		return 2;

	* ESC n<br>
	* Invoke the G2 Character Set as GL (LS2)
	* @todo implement
	'n': function(cmd, chunk) {
		// TODO
		return 2;

	* ESC o<br>
	* Invoke the G3 Character Set as GL (LS3)
	* @todo implement
	'o': function(cmd, chunk) {
		// TODO
		return 2;

	* ESC 7<br>
	* Save Cursor (DECSC)
	'7': function(cmd, chunk) {
		return 2;

	* ESC 8<br>
	* Restore Cursor (DECRC)
	'8': function(cmd, chunk) {
		return 2;

	* ESC |<br>
	* Invoke the G3 Character Set as GR (LS3R)
	'|': function(cmd, chunk) {
		// TODO
		return 2;

	* ESC [<br>
	* Control sequence introducer (CSI)
	* @todo function should return errors if it detects garbaged CSI sequences
	'[': function(cmd, chunk) {
		var csi = this.parseCsi(chunk);
		if(csi === null || csi.cmd === '')
			return 0;
		else if(csi.length !== chunk.length && csi.cmd === '') {
			// TODO Garbaged CSI. report error.
			return 1;

		var result = this.callHandler('csi', csi.cmd, +csi.args[0], +csi.args[1], csi.args, csi.mod);
		//if(result === null)
		// TODO Unknown CSI. report error.
		return csi.length;

	* ESC \<br>
	* 7-bit - File Separator (FS)
	* 8-bit - String Terminator (VT125 exits graphics) (ST)
	'\\': function(cmd, chunk) {
		return 2;

	* ESC ]<br>
	* 7-bit - Group Separator (GS)
	* 8-bit - Operating System Command (OSC is 0x9d)
	* @todo function should return errors if it detects garbaged OSC sequences
	']': function(cmd, chunk) {
		var osc = this.parseOsc(chunk);
		if(osc === null)
			return 0;
		else if(osc.length !== chunk.length && osc.terminated === false) {
			// TODO Garbaged OSC. report error.
			return 1;

		var result = this.callHandler('osc', osc.cmd, osc.args);
		//if(result === null)
		// TODO Unknown OSC. report error.
		return osc.length;

	* ESC ^<br>
	* Privacy Message (password verification), terminaed by ST 
	* (PM is 0x9e) (PM)
	'^': function(cmd, chunk) {
		return 2;

	* ESC _<br>
	* Application Program Command (to word processor), term by ST
	* (APC is 0x9f) (APC)
	'_': function(cmd, chunk) {
		return 2;

	* ESC %<br>
	* Select default/utf-8 character set.
	* @ = default, G = utf-8; 8 (Obsolete)
	'%': function(cmd, chunk) {
		return 2;

	* ESC }<br>
	* Invoke the G2 Character Set as GR (LS2R)
	'}': function(cmd, chunk) {
		// TODO
		return 2;

	* ESC ~<br>
	* Invoke the G1 Character Set as GR (LS1R)
	'~': function(cmd, chunk) {
		// TODO
		return 2;

	* ESC ( ) * + - .<br>
	'(': function(cmd, chunk) {
		if(chunk[2] === undefined)
			return 0;
		this.state.setMode('graphic', chunk[2] === '0');
		return 3;
	')': '.',
	'*': '.',
	'+': '.',
	'-': '.',
	'.': function(cmd, chunk) {
		if(chunk[2] === undefined)
			return 0;
		this.state.setMode('graphic', false);
		return 3;

	* ESC #<br>
	* 3 DEC line height/width
	'#': function(cmd, chunk) {
		if(chunk[2] === undefined)
			return 0;
		var line = this.state.getLine();
		switch(chunk[2]) {
		case '3':
			line.attr.doubleheight = 'top';
		case '4':
			line.attr.doubleheight = 'bottom';
		case '5':
			line.attr.doubleheight =
			line.attr.doublewidth = false;
		case '6':
			line.attr.doublewidth = true;
		return 3;

	* ESC g<br>
	* Visual Bell
	'g': function(cmd, chunk) {
		this.emit('bell', true);
		return 2;

	* ESC <<br>
	* The terminal interprets all sequences according to ANSI standards X3.64-1979 and X3.41-1974.
	* The VT52 escape sequences described in this chapter are not recognized.
	'<': function(cmd, chunk) {
		return 2;

	* ESC ><br>
	* (set numeric keypad mode?)
	* Normal Keypad (DECPNM)
	'>': function(cmd, chunk) {
		this.state.setMode('appKeypad', false);
		return 2;

	* ESC =<br>
	* Application Keypad (DECPAM)
	* Serial port requested application keyboard
	'=': function(cmd, chunk) {
		this.state.setMode('appKeypad', true);
		return 2;
module.exports = esc;